MOOS Innovating
inventory management

Say goodbye to uncertainty, inefficiency, and missed opportunities. Embrace our technology so that you can serve your customers with unparalleled precision with only a fraction of the operational costs

Patented - Awarded

10 Innovations Grants

RijksoverheidProvincie Noord-HollandRabobankINHCES

Our Promises

Fit all circumstances; MOOS Sensors fit everywhere and can measure any product ranging from 10gr - 250kg
Maximum adaptability; Our sensors are invisible and can be easily maintained and replaced
No responsibility for the hardware - MOOS will monitor from a distance and intervene where needed.
Full flexibility; modular scaling or downsizing possible
Data as a service - we will provide data, insights and alerts.
Different forms of integration possible; from a standalone closed system to further integration with existing data and systems.


Reach out

Interested in Moos? leave behind a message and get in contact with us.


Spaklerweg 14, B4, 1096 BA Amsterdam


